
Owner and manufacturer:

Company name: max and me gmbh
Commercial licenses: trade with goods of all kinds; manufacture of cosmetic articles Data in accordance with the laws regulating E-Commerce: Company name: max and me GmbH
Address: Oskar-Jascha-Gasse 77, A-1130 Vienna, Austria
m: +43 (0)664 3075479
Commercial Registry Number: FN 362405 z
Commercial Registry Court: Commercial Court of Vienna
Authorities resp. ECG: District Magistrate for the XIII district of Vienna
Value Added Tax Identification Number: ATU66414766
Chamber of Commerce: Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO)

All rights reserved. Downloading, printing and storage of data files (logos, photos and texts, etc.) is exclusively permitted for private use. Any other use beyond this, in particular hyperlinks or framing of any part of this website, requires prior permission in writing.

Data Protection / Disclaimer
The managing directors of max and me gmbh herewith declare that no personal data of any kind, in particular personal names, addresses or other personal data, will be forwarded to any other person, company or institution.

Visual concept & art direction

Mikina Dimunova /

Web programming GmbH /


Matthias Kronfuss studio /

Jakub Gulyas /